Downbeat sind zB Drum'n Bass, Ambient, Chill Out, Trip Hop, etc.
Im Gegensatz zu Techno, Trance, House, Hardcore etc. - diese sind die andere Seite des Vinyls
Ich darf zitieren: "I'm not dumb enough to attempt an authoritative definition of "big beat," but ... breakbeats, bass lines, synth riffs, and atmospheres certainly captures the hallmarks of the genre: pumped-up mid-tempo grooves, live-sounding drums with lots of room ambience, and toothy synth riffs that often feel like stand-ins for arena-rock guitars. While the tempos here range from 90 to 150 bpm, the majority clock in between 110 and 135. There's little drum 'n' bass hyperactivity or trip-hop narcolepsy --just big grooves of sledgehammer strength and subtlety"