... also in the news! deadmau5 lands on BBC Radio 1 on July the 19th at 3-5am BST with his debut essential mix! boooyaaa... so make a sandwich that will take you exactly 2 hours to eat, and tune in! Loads of brand new goodies from mau5trap to air for the first time as well as some cheeky edits and classics, so yeah. that's all folks!
** sorry about the hack job on the advert... i forgot to save the fucking PSD and all the layers were collapsed.... COZ I FIGURED IT WAS DONE.... but... i was given the wrong information.. and had to come up with some genius way to make that 20th look like the 19th without taking away from the somewhat good enough design i had in the first place. so THANK YOU to the person who shall remain nameless for delivering me to this sort of insanity.
*** this is *totally* unrelated but some guy named Dean just called me a cock