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Alt 26. June 2009, 09:54  
"Born to post" Poster
reini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehenreini genießt hohes Ansehen
Benutzerbild von reini

Zitat von Chris B.
HÄ? Wieso das? Hab ich ja noch nie gehört... is das medizinisch bewiesen?

Cardiac desease -> Herleiden
cardiac arrest -> Herzstillstand

African American adults are less likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease, however they are more likely to die from heart disease. Although African American adults are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure, they are 10% less likely than their non-Hispanic White counterparts to have their blood pressure under control.

* In 2005, African American men were 30% more likely to die from heart disease, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.
* African Americans were 1.5 times as likely as non-Hispanic whites to have high blood pressure.
* African American women were 1.7 times as likely as non-Hispanic white women to be obese.

Und http://www.stopcardiacarrest.org/mak...mpacts-you.htm

SCA is deadliest among certain segments of the population — particularly women and African Americans.
* According to the American Heart Association, 120,000 women die each year from Sudden Cardiac Arrest — 39 percent more deaths than from breast cancer.
* Medical studies show that women have less chance of recovering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest than men. Furthermore, cardiac arrest deaths among women ages 35 to 44 have increased over the last several years but not for men.
* According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, African-Americans are more likely to have Sudden Cardiac Arrest than Caucasians and have less than a 1 percent chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.

Auf CNN kams übrigens auch die ganze Nacht

Einen geschenkten Gaul im Glashaus, wirft man keine Krone in die kurzen Beine
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