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56 deadmau5 tracks for free!
Alt 7. April 2008, 17:44  
Chris B.
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Standard 56 deadmau5 tracks for free!
56 deadmau5 tracks, for freeeee!!!!!
Kategorie: Music

okay! heres the deal.... before i started making house / electro / whatever I used to make alllll sorts of random / idm / glitchy stuff.... so i was flipping around my hard drive and i found these 56 tracks... theyre all pretty short, but something cool to surf through and stick on your ipod oh shuffle if youre bored!

anyways... the idea back then was to do a thing called "Project 56" which was 56 tracks for people with short attention spans... instead of waiting years to finally throw it together, i figured i'd just toss it to everyone.

so! feel free to download and exploit these tracks in any way your evil heart desires.... if you use these commercially, all i ask is that you give credit where credit is due!

without further delay.... here you go!

download the tracks here:

mirror: http://bitcast-a.bitgravity.com/terryr/deadmau5-56.zip

...and thanks to Terry for the mirror in case the first ones all busy n stuff...

its an 84mb zip file, so please be patient
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